My Big Break
When I got hired at Cartoon Network Studios this year, I was fortunate enough to have been asked to provide cupcakes for one of their art shows back in April. I have my art director, Marc Perry, to thank for that hook up. Little did I know, my mini cupcakes will be well received by many. The best part about the whole experience was CNS opened an account with BluRuby! So now, I'm officially supplying cupcakes for their recordings, art shows and company lunches. Shortly after that, I was asked to make some for a couple of events at Warner Bros. Many thanks to my hook up over at WB, Bobbie. There were cake orders as well so here are a few of them.

the barb-wire themed cake is still my fave :)
Wow those are amazing! Are you using one of those inkjet printers for the art on the top? So cool!
hey hey mr. milo! yup, got one of them babies! they're so much fun to use! thanks for checking this out! told mark and herb we should do lunch one of these days!
Yeah I'd love to "lunch it" one of these days but I'm working at a studio in Chatsworth and I doubt I can get away to Burbank, scarf lunch AND get back all in a half hour. Ah well we'll work something out! I will be back in Burbank in November again so maybe then. Keep the posts comin'!
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