Hear the latest on what's happening with BluRuby and then some!
Who's the fairest of them all?

So three of the guys I work with on Billy and Mandy decided to do caricatures of me after having had only 20 hours of sleep from one Friday to the next. I must say these works of art were not too far from reality. Though I have to say, one of them was too cute too represent zzzz-deprived moi! Thanks Mark B. for being kind! But don't get me wrong, I luv all of them!!!
None of them are truly accurate, since none of them drew you as a blur of motion with cuppycakes falling by the wayside!
those eyeballs are OFF model! veins, veins...throw in more veins!
I gotsta see that blurrrry version then, TARA! Btw, had a blast last Saturday! Will send ya pictures soon!
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