It's all CUPCAKES from here!

An old high school classmate of mine called me last month to ask if it was possible to order cupcakes for her daughter who was turning six. Mind you, they live all the way in Anaheim and I don't deliver that far, most especially for 3 dozen cupcakes! But I made an exception this time as this is an old friend and the delivery was to be made at Downtown Disney at the Build-a-Bear shop! Why not, I might as well enjoy the place while I'm there.
However, this was the weekend when the clock changed an hour back and no - I didn't make the mistake of not doing so - my friend did! They made it on time for the Build-a-Bear party but they didn't anticipate it finishing earlier. I was told to deliver at 2:45 but the party was over by 2 PM! She looked at her watch (bearing the wrong time which was 3 PM) and called to ask me why I wasn't there yet when the party was already over! What the.....? Oh well....wasn't my fault but I still delivered on schedule. Unfortunately, we weren't able to put the cupcakes on the decorated tower I made for the occasion :( So here's what the cupcakes looked like, along with the jumbo cupcake that we were going to put candles on so Lauren can do the whole "blowing the candle and make a wish" deal. At least the kid still enjoyed her chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with some of her friends! Oh, kids are just so easy to please - I think....

HALLOWEEN TIME!!! Cartoon Network hosted a fun afternoon of interesting looking characters and yours truly provided the festive treats!

The following week was Grey Delisle's baby shower. She's the voice of Mandy on the Cartoon Network series, Billy and Mandy. She's well known in the animation industry and I was very honored to have been commissioned to make cupcakes for the event. She wanted red velvet cupcakes with a vintage Texan/turquoise theme. So I'm thrilled to present........drum roll, please...........ta-da............a 105 cupcake tower for Grey!

The day after was my friend, Jennifer Baker-Gase's turn to have her baby shower. Again, she's a very well respected background painter in the animation industry and I was fortunate enough to have been asked to provide the party with my red velvets. This time the theme was pink - does that tell everyone what she and her husband are expecting? That was a fabulous day for a baby shower, good turn out of guests bringing all their love for Jenny and her little +1!