Well, well, well.......finally a peep from yours truly. Been a while, I know but what can I say, life has been extremely challenging for me and my family these past months. But all is good, life is as it should be, and the baking was resurrected this month.
As a present for two cute nephews, an Elmo cupcake tower was requested. Like the push-over aunt that I am, of course I had to oblige!

The following weekend, Oct. 18, was my friend Angie's baby shower. It was a fun afternoon with the gals. The highlight for me though was mistaking Angie's lantern for the baby shower pinata and smashing it to pieces - oops! I still owe them a paper lantern :( By the way, she gave birth to her daughter the following Sunday, Oct. 26, 4 weeks early!!!

On the same day was my friend Bev Chapman's website launching party. Of course I couldn't go because I was at the baby shower, but my cupcakes did!

The next day, I little boy named Elliott celebrated his 3rd birthday. His mom wanted a dinosaur themed cupcake tower for his party and so here's how it turned out.

Finally, this past weekend was the 18th birthday of the daughter of a family friend. This time, the mom wanted a cake instead of a cupcake tower for the special occasion. Check this out:

October's over tomorrow - and I'm done baking for now. Happy Halloween eveyone!!!