Happy 2009
What a year 2008 was! It had it's high points and EXTREMELY low points for me. But, like we always say, we just try and pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and move forward once more. I'm going to try my best to focus on all things positive and not let the minor (or major) inconveniences throw me off course. Easier said than done but I'll damned if I don't try!
So, I'm off to a good start with my good friend (and former boss :D), Bob Doucette and longtime partner, Tom, commissioning BluRuby, for their upcoming wedding in August this year! Yay! Another cupcake tower looming in the horizon. I'm honored to be a part of this wonderful union.
Just last week, I started back on the 3rd Season of Chowder at Cartoon Network. Yay! I'm employed, at least for now. Hopefully, CNS will be generous enough to keep giving the show it's support and keep us out of trouble :)
And most recently, I had just launched my cupcake merchandise on Etsy.com. Check out my little cuppies (nothing edible this time) on http://bluruby.etsy.com. Tell me what you think and while you're at it, shop if you see anything you like.

I pray that 2009 will be a good year for all of us. But like I said, no matter what the year ahead may bring, let's all stay optimistic, it's still a better choice than the alternative. At least, that's how I'm choosing to be.